This weekend was a major car show/ car race in the area. I mean major. The streets were full of not only new cars but old sports cars and some looking straight out of scene from the Great Race. It was a fun weekend never knowing what would pull up next to you at the light.
Friday night we went to the Carmel Beach for a church social with the church we have visited 4 times now. We had a nice time roasting hot dogs and marshmallows. I got a quick shot of the sun going down.
After we left the beach we walked around Carmel for a bit taking in the display of red, yellow and black sports cars. The town was awake late that night I am sure.
It was an interesting night.
Saturday we finished our class offered through the hospital for new parents. We met first on August 1st and then concluded the class on the 15th with a tour of the hospital. We walked through everything. The basics of labor, hospital procedures, breathing techniques and anything else the couples could think of to ask the nurse. It was a good class. I was very happy with the nurse who led the class, very straightforward and she refrained from pressuring the families in one direction or another. She just gave facts and tips on coping with pain and labor. We left feeling better about the next couple of months preparing for baby. We have more to dialogue about as well as maybe some relaxation techniques to practice. This baby girl is getting bigger everyday and we are looking forward to her arrival.
On Sunday at Sanctuary Bible Church, we attended a new members class to speak with the elders of the church about their statement of faith and other aspects of their constitution and history. We were the only people signed up so we had plenty of time to ask questions and chat. After the service we went to lunch with the pastor and a couple of other elders. Again, this was a very good opportunity to find out more about their beliefs and way they run the church. We have some praying to do to make a decision. It is looking promising. :)
I have started a cake decorating class at Michael's just up the road from us. I go on Wednesday nights during August to practice making a wide range of decorations. I want to feel good about making cakes for friends and of course Violet so I may continue in a few more classes in the next few months. So far it has been very fun. I have enjoyed the freedom to create with guidance. The class is full of other ladies that want to be cool moms as well, making their own children's cakes for birthdays and such. It turns out to be a nice social evening as well.
Perhaps I will post some pictures in the future if I feel good enough about them. Hopefully nothing turns out as bad as some of the cakes on this blog. This blog cracks me up. Very funny writing as well.
Well, have a great week. I have a few crafty projects planned this week for Vi. We will see if they are worth posting on here after they are complete.
Thanks for all the sweet words over the last pregger post. I am feeling more and more pregnant everyday. She is a real mover. I know she will slow down the bigger she gets...hopefully. :)
Love Ya'll!
I'm glad the church looks promising, searching is such a pain, but is so worth it to find the right one.
Love you guys, hope you enjoyed Baskin-Robbins!
The cake decorating sounds like so much fun. I have been baking and cooking so much lately... I wonder how some of the things you are learning can be adapted for vegans... you will have to show me some of your tricks in November! ;D
Sounds like Daniel had a fun weekend enjoying the differant cars. I remembered his admiration for the Dodge Viper. I think we gave him a matchbox Viper at some point as a gag gift.
Your cake experience sounds fun. I remember the cakes that I made for you when you were growing up. It was always fun, my favorite was the Christmas Jesus birthday cake with no ornamentation, just seven-minute frosting. Still love that even though I have not made one in several years. I have made several bunny cakes and a couple of Carebear and other popular motifs when you girls were younger. It was all so much fun! With skill, I am sure the experience will be even more so. XXOO
Oh my gosh! That cakewreck site is HILARIOUS! I've been laughing out loud for like the last half hour! Taking a class certainly makes you appreciate how hard it is, huh? T-dog is already thinking about his birthday cake. Yikes!
Uncle Andrew is ready to teach Violet so many important things: how to be a trust officer, big words like "hemi-demi-semi-quaver," "antidisestablishmentarianism," "bovine elixir," and "scintillating." And Aunt Sarah is ready to make some pancakes (get it?). We can't wait for baby Violet! We are thinking about naming our firstborn Violet as well (it would be best if it were a girl, but we have already made up our minds).
n. 1. (Mus.) A short note, equal to one fourth of a semiquaver, or the sixty-fourth part of a whole note.
Hey! Definitely practice your relaxation and breathing techniques! We did not do that near enough and I wish we would have because I think it would have made labor go by alot smoother rather than me begging Brian to let me get pain medicine and then me being so mad at myself for telling him before hand that no matter what I say dont let me get an epidural. lol. I will be praying for you!
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