Saturday, October 29, 2011


Abigail Violet Good                             Louisa Rose Good
AVG                                                       LRG
9 - 28 - 2009                                         10 - 28 - 2011

I wonder what the initials will be if the Lord gives us a third some day... 


Unknown said...

They look so much alike! Louisa is beautiful. We are so thrilled for you guys. Praising the Lord with you!

Sharon said...

She is beautiful, Maryn! So happy for you!

Marie said...

Well, you have AVG (Average) and LRG (Large) or that leaves XLG -- hmmm, wonder what name begins with an X -- maybe Xavier? Seriously, though, you and God make beautiful babies. Congratulations!

Mom G. said...

Wow, this looks like the very same baby. They could be twins. Amazing.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Marie-XLG--would be next. Must be a boy--just need the X name. Lots of fun for you to think about. Best wishes with your girls.

Aunt Phyllis

Goodfellows said...

Congratulations good family! So thankful for this new little one...can't wait to meet her! Praise the LORD for healthy delivery and baby!