Saturday, August 13, 2011

Baby Update

I had a doctor's appointment on Friday and realized I had not updated the blog about baby number 2 in a while. We have yet to decide on a name, but I am feeling an urge to decide soon so I can quit calling her baby girl. I liked calling Violet Baby Vi in the womb, it felt like I knew her even better when she was born.

Everything is going smoothly. All my measurements are still looking like October 31st is a good date to go by. I am with the same doctor that delivered Violet so there aren't many new things to talk about because I have been through all this with him.

This pregnancy I have been getting more headaches and joint pain, but other than that I am feeling great. My energy level is pretty normal. I do still try to get a nap with Violet. I have always been a big supporters of naps. :)

Hormone changes are always a challenge because I do not want to blame them for my sin, yet I know that they are a major reason why it is harder than normal to overcome frustration and impatience. God is forgiving and gracious to this sinner.

We are excited to meet this new little one. She is an active baby. It is hard to remember but I think she is beating Violet in finding new ways to startle and kick Momma Maryn. She keeps me on my toes already.

Hope everyone is having a great August!


Sandy said...

Glad to hear all is going well with the new baby.
I also am a big supporter of naps, so tell me, how is it I get so few?!

Mom G. said...

We are so excited to see this new baby girl when she arrives. We are praying for you and she everyday. Thank you for the update. God has great things planned for her.