Sunday, September 13, 2009

Gang Violence

Well, you all may have heard about gang violence in California. You may hear on the news about gang related deaths and injuries. We hear them often too. There is a city up the road about 30 miles that keeps the news very busy with gang related issues.

Well, here in our part of the pennisula we have little to worry about. There are occasional bits of news stating the gangs spreading their territory but we have a group of fairly harmless thugs that patrol regularly and keep the real thugs at bay.

These turkeys are our neighbors. They make their rounds through the streets like they own the place, loitering on a street corner for a while before finding some other yard to scratch in.

This is in our front yard the other day. (They really think they own the place.) Unfortunately they are protected by the government. No harm can befall these thugs, they have "the man" behind them. People have made attempts on their lives and the local deer, so I have heard, only resulting in massive fines against them.

Still everytime I see them I get more excited about smoking a nice fat turkey for Thanksgiving. Alas, it will not be one of these ugly buggers.

8 down 1 to go!


Sandy said...

It's tough when you can't walk the streets in your own neighborhood!

sohmc said...

They look like vultures. Are they really turkeys?

If so, let me know. I love me a fresh turkey on thanksgiving...none of that frozen stuff they sell at the grocery store.

Keri Ronk said...

Are they mean? I am not a fan of large feathered beings because they tend to be mean.

We have a woodpecker here who "the man" is also behind. GRR Our neighbor got a big fake owl that he puts on top of his truck, It seems to keep the woodpecker at bay! And as an added bonus we dont have to have a big fake owl on our jeep. :)

Oh and you are due to have Violet in 1 month!!!!!!!!!!

Jenny said...

That is crazy Maryn. I think I'd be a little scared to go outside myself. I can't even imagine my dogs reactions!!

Maryn said...

They are really turkeys and we really haven't gotten close enough to find out if they are mean or not. They do look it though. I agree Keri, I am not a large bird fan.

I am thankful the cats stay indoors, not only because of these guys but also the racoons, skunks, coyote and other vermin about...interesting place we live in.


CLR said...

Oh yummy!

Anonymous said...

Are they friends of Nancy?

Maryn said...

No friends of Nancy in our yard...BILL